"Half-Life" is a popular science fiction computer game developed by Valve Corporation and published in 1998. In the game, player take on the role of Gordon Freeman, a physicist who finds himself in a mysterious scientific research laboratory named "Black Mesa". While researching a mysterious crystal accidentally released by a teleporter Freeman must fight to survive and solve the mystery behind the accident.
Yes, you can change slots on your server at any time by upgrading/downgrading your package. If you want to order a server with a certain number of players other than the ones in the packages, click "Customize" and configure your package.
With our control panel, you can take advantage of text editors, a mod and version installer, FTP access, a sub-user tab, and all sorts of other goodies including a mobile app to control your server wherever you are!
Yes, in case you don't like the location, we can move your server from point A to point B, free of charge and without any fees. Only the IP address of the server will be changed.